Merger and Acquisition Analysis
When it comes to buying and/or selling a business, a great deal of information gathering and analysis is necessary. Often, before you can make a definitive decision, many complex issues must be reviewed and resolved. It is imperative to engage objective, experienced professionals to assist you throughout the process.
Lutz, Selig & Zeronda, CPAs, L.L.P.’s team has the tools to ensure a smooth transaction. We can assist you in determining a focused M&A strategy so you are well-equipped to sustain yourself after the merger or acquisition is complete. Our team will provide the expertise, objectivity and organizational skills necessary to produce the most favorable result. If you’re thinking about entering into a transaction on the buyer or seller side, think of Lutz, Selig & Zeronda, CPAs, L.L.P. as the bench strength to get you through the game.
Specifically, we provide high-quality, customized services in the following areas surrounding your merger or acquisition:
- Business valuation
- Due diligence
- Offer evaluation
- Tax planning and preparation
- Financing
- Financial statement review
- Agreed-upon procedures (asset verification, search for unrecorded liabilities, financial analysis and internal control evaluation)
- Post-transaction analysis