Installment Sale – a Useful Tool to Minimize Taxes
Selling a property you have owned for a long period of time will frequently result in a large capital gain, and reporting all of the gain in one year will…
Selling a property you have owned for a long period of time will frequently result in a large capital gain, and reporting all of the gain in one year will…
Did you know that the IRS uses your social media use as part of their audit determinations? Be careful when you post about how much money you saved during tax…
The IRS audit is every taxpayer’s fear, even those who are honest and diligent. However, IRS audits are less common than many Americans believe. The likelihood of an audit does…
Would you know a tax myth from a tax fact? As tax season approaches, there are many myths swirling around about the IRS, tax returns, tax deduction, and anything tax-related….
The multi-generational home is making a comeback. It’s not just Millennials who are moving back with their Generation X parents. In addition, Generation Xers are welcoming their Baby Boomer parents…
Last year, fraud rose to unprecedented levels. IRS estimates indicate a 400% increase in phishing and malware incidents during the 2016 tax season. Criminals are finding more and more ways…
The IRS has announced mileage rates for 2017, some of which are lower than 2016 rates. Here are some of the details from Journal of Accountancy: For business use of…
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a reminder that it will be delaying refunds for taxpayers claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or the Additional Child Tax Credit…
Taxes, Your Business, IRS Tips
Employers of workers facing significant barriers to employment are urged to apply for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) enacted by the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act….
Taxes, Your Business, IRS Tips
Whether your workers are considered employees or independent contractors will carry significant legal ramifications. With respect to the IRS, ACA (Affordable Care Act), and Department of Labor, it is necessary…